Associated Schools of Construction Competition 2024
Great Lakes Region (Region 3)

ASC Region 3 Conference Proceedings Publication
2024 Publications
​​​Region 3 is proud to have a peer reviewed paper publication as part of its annual conference. Authors are encouraged to submit a paper for review, and those papers that are accepted must be presented by at least one author from ASC Region #3 in order to be published in the proceedings.
The process of paper submittals and presentations includes a peer review cycle. Dr. Chris Gordon has agreed to handle the challenge of coordinating this task this year. The region will need peer reviewers for the process. Please read the following information and reply to Dr. Gordon accordingly.
1.Call for reviewers
The Associated Schools of Construction Region 3 recognizes the value and importance of the peer reviewer in the overall publication process — not only in shaping the individual manuscript, but also in shaping the credibility and reputation of the conference proceeding.
The identification and selection of reviewers who have expertise and interest in the topics appropriate to each manuscript are essential elements in ensuring a timely, productive peer review process. Generally, reviewers are asked to review one or two manuscripts and to return their comments within one week. In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for the ASC Region 3 conference proceeding, we ask that you take a moment to send your contact information to Dr. Chris Gordon at by Friday, September 20th, 2024.
2.Call for Papers
Given the time period and depth of review for these submittals, the pre-submission of abstracts will not be necessary. Manuscripts are to be submitted in Microsoft Word format to Authors are encouraged to use the ASC Style Guide ( in preparing papers for peer-review.
​3. Call for Refereed Abstract and Presentations
Manuscripts are to be submitted in Microsoft Word format to Authors are encouraged to use the ASC Style Guide ( in preparing one-page abstracts for peer review. Abstracts must include:
Need of the research and its significance
Research design and methodology
Research results
Important findings, conclusions, and recommendations
Research impact
Accepted abstracts will be invited for presentation during the regional conference.
Friday, September 20, 2024- Manuscripts are to be submitted NO LATER than 5:00 PM. Note: Faculty registration for the conference must be completed by presenters in order to be included in the proceedings and to be scheduled for a presentation time slot.
Friday, October 4, 2024 - All decisions and review comments will be sent back to author for revision.
Friday, October 11, 2024 - Revised manuscripts MUST be sent back NO LATER than 5:00 PM to be included in the proceedings (which will be placed on the website for viewing).
If you have any questions about the proceedings please contact Dr. Chris Gordon (