Associated Schools of Construction Competition 2024
Great Lakes Region (Region 3)

ASC Faculty Awards
Each year the ASC honors faculty from member schools with several different awards. Some awards are given to a person from each ASC region, and others are given only to one faculty member in the nation each year. Below is a list of the awards and the eligibility/nomination process.
ASC Regional Teaching Award
The Associated Schools of Construction ASC Regional Teaching Award is made annually to untenured or tenure track faculty, with two to six years of teaching experience at an ASC member school. This award recognizes the faculty member's contribution to construction education, excellence in teaching, service to the Associated Schools of Construction and dedication to the construction profession.
Any non-tenured or tenure track faculty member with a minimum of two years teaching experience from an ASC member school and who has provided service to the ASC at the regional level.
Application form can be found at if you log in and click on the awards section.
A faculty member may be nominated by students, colleagues, him/herself or any other person familiar with the faculty member's qualifications.
Screening and Award
Every member school can submit applicants per the requirements listed in this operating procedure. A decision will be made at the regional meeting regarding which nomination to advance. At the completion of the regional meeting, the Regional Director will forward to the ASC Operations Manager those awarded the Regional Excellence Teaching Award.
In addition, the Regional Director will forward only one nomination from their respective ASC Regional Teaching Award pool for the final selection by the Awards Committee for the ASC International Excellence in Teaching Award. See Operating Procedure 07C for more details for the ASC International Excellence in Teaching Award (limited to those who are being recognized for Regional Teaching award). This award will be limited to one annually from those forwarded from all the regions. The Award recipient(s) will be announced at the ASC Annual International Conference and the recipient must be in attendance to accept the Award.
Award limit: Discretion of Region 3 Awards Committee
Mail Application to:
The Regional Director no later than October 10th. Email applications are preferred at
ASC International Excellence in Teaching Award
The Associated Schools of Construction ASC International Excellence in Teaching Award is made annually to one untenured or tenure track faculty member chosen from the ASC Regional Teaching Awards.
Must be a recipient of the ASC Regional Teaching Award and be able to demonstrate a beginning of service or potential to the ASC beyond that of their respective region activities (e.g. annual conference attendance, organizational and/or management committees as per ASC Operating Procedures, editor for one of the ASC publications, member of IJCER/Proceeding/CMCB editorial board/reviewer, etc.).
Application/ Nominations
It is the responsibility of that Regional Director to submit the application. Each Region Director is allowed to submit only one nomination from their respective Regional Teaching Award pool after they have completed their regional meeting.
Screening and Award
The final selection will be made by the Awards Committee prior to the ASC Annual International Conference. Applications will be evaluated on the faculty member’s contribution to construction education, excellence in teaching, dedication to the construction profession, and any initial services provided to the international Associated Schools of Construction. The Award will be presented at the Annual International Conference and is limited to one annually. The Award recipient must be in attendance to accept the Award.
Award limit: One recipient per year
The Regional Director will forward the completed application to the Operations Manager. The application is to the documents from the ASC Regional Teaching Award application.
ASC Regional Outstanding Educator Award
The Associated Schools of Construction ASC Regional Outstanding Educator Award is made annually to a faculty member from a four-year ASC member school. This award recognizes the faculty member's contribution to construction education, excellence in teaching, national/international service to the Associated Schools of Construction, and dedication to the construction profession.
Any current full-time faculty member with a minimum of 7 years teaching experience from an Associated Schools of Construction member school. As this is awarded by the ASC Board of Directors, the nominee must have provided service to the ASC beyond that of their respective region activities (e.g. organizational and/or management committees as per ASC Operating Procedures, held an office, editor for one of the ASC publications, member of IJCER/Proceeding/CMCB editorial board/reviewer, etc.).
A faculty member may be nominated by students, colleagues, him/herself or any other person familiar with the faculty member's qualifications. All nominations shall be forwarded to the respective Regional Director. Nomination form can be found under the awards section at
Screening and Award
Each region can forward only one name from that respective region. A decision will be made at the regional meeting regarding which nomination to advance. Via vote, or other consensus measuring mechanism, this single name should be forwarded by the Regional Director from that respective region to the Operations Manager of the ASC within 5 days following the regional meeting.
The Board, upon receipt of the recommendations from the Regional Directors, considers each nominee for designation as an Outstanding Educator. The ASC Board of Directors will receive, review, and vote on all nominations. The Award recipient(s) will be announced at the ASC Annual International Conference and the recipient must be in attendance to accept the Award.
Award limit: An annual maximum of one recipient per region.
Mail Application to:
The Regional Director no later than October 10th. Email applications are preferred at
Outstanding Researcher Award
The Associated Schools of Construction ASC Outstanding Researcher Award is made annually to a research faculty member(s) of a four-year ASC member. This award recognizes the faculty member's quality research and contribution to the dissemination of scholarly work within the ASC community, and for service to the Associated Schools of Construction.
Any current full-time faculty member with at least 7 years of quality research within one of the Associated Schools of Construction’s member school. As this is awarded by the ASC Board of Directors, the nominee must also have provided service to the ASC beyond that of their respective region activities (e.g. Research Committee as per ASC Operating Procedures, held an office, worked as an editor for one of the ASC publications, member of IJCER/Proceeding/CMCB editorial board, etc.)
A faculty member may be nominated by students, colleagues, him/herself or any other person familiar with the faculty member's qualifications. All nominations shall be forwarded to the respective Regional Director. The nomination form can be found under the awards section at
Screening and Award
Each region can forward only one name from that respective region. Each nomination for this award shall be forwarded to the respective Regional Director 5 days prior to the regional meeting, with a completed application. A decision will be made at the regional meeting regarding which nomination to advance. Via vote, or other consensus measuring mechanism, this single name should be forwarded by the Regional Director from that respective region to the Operations Manager of the ASC within 5 days following the regional meeting.
The Board, upon receipt of the recommendations from the Regional Directors, considers each nominee for designation as an Outstanding Researcher. The ASC Board of Directors will receive and review all nominations. The Award recipient(s) will be announced at the ASC Annual International Conference and the recipient must be in attendance to accept the Award.
Award limit: An annual maximum of one award.
Mail Application to: ASC International President by February 1st.